There is a great nutritional and emotional need. Our The purpose is always to lead them to the knowledge of Christ.

Who do we assist?

  • Children attending the Sunday schools of the local Quechua churches.
  • Children attending public schools in rural Quechua.
  • To the most vulnerable Quechua communities.

in public schools

  • The children are not well fed.
  • Have ANEMIA
  • Many of the parents are alcoholics.
  • They are of limited economic resources.



  • The children show malnutrition.
  • Parents are unconverted.
  • They are of limited economic resources.


the religion course

We are interested in public schools, since they educate Christian children and youth, also because it brings us closer to children who do not yet know Christ. The difficulties we observe are:

  1. Public school teachers do not have adequate material to teach the Religion course.
  2. The Catholic Church is the religion of the state.
  3. The Christian children in attendance are confronted in their faith.