Public schools

Quechua children meet Christ in state schools.


The directors of Quechua public schools authorize the teaching of biblical stories.Los directrores de las escuelas publicas quechuas autorizan la enseñanza de histoprias biblicas.


The directors of Quechua public schools authorize the teaching of biblical stories.


With texts produced entirely in Quechua and that does not contravene the state curriculum.

In what schedule?

The state education curriculum in Peru allocates time for the teaching of the religion course, this has a clear Catholic sense, it is a weekly session of 2 hours, this time is assigned by virtue of an agreement to teach biblical stories.

in public schools?

It responds to the following needs:

  • The children are attending Christian Sunday schools.
  • They see their faith confronted with the teachings that the state imparts.

What do we teach?

Se imparte enseñanzas de historias bíblicas, por ser este un ambito estatal se evita la profundización en temas doctrinales, algunos estudiantes son confesamente catolicos y se evita ser invasivos con su creencia.

Se hace incapie en el aprendizaje de valores tales como la solidaridad, el amor por el projimo, la tolerancia y el respeto a los padres.

Se cuenta con material adecuado y en quechua, en relacion por ejemplo a la prevencion del abuso sexual infantil.

Is it a formal agreement?

It is NOT an agreement between the state and ATEK or the local evangelical church, rather it is a gesture of tolerance on the part of some principals and teachers towards their students, in some communities friendly relationships are the starting point of the agreement. In addition, ATEK as an institution is subject to the directives of the educational center for the continuity or suspension of the teaching of biblical stories.

An opportunity to help

Many times this friendly agreement with the local educational authorities encourages help days not only in faith but also in the provision of some resources.

  • In times of extreme cold, many do not have the resources to adequately shelter their children. ATEK distributes blankets and others to help them in these areas.
  • School shoes are distributed in schools.
  • Students receive school supplies (notebooks, pencils, colors)