Products video

How are diseases spread?

Dubbing of an animated series produced by Disney Descriptive video, its theme is the spread of diseases.

Series: Health

Dubbing of Disney animated series on hygiene, it also contains original production about dental hygiene. Produced entirely in Quechua Cusco-Collao.

Series: Family

Original production about problems of family origin and everyday life. Fully produced in Quechua Cusco-Collao.


Audio products

Series: Discipleship

Series of teachings that cover different topics of Christian development. There are 15 lessons per series, ATEK Original Production, entirely produced in the Quechua language Cusco Collao.

Series: How to Win

Series of 5 Dramatized Audio Testimonials, covering 5 very common social problems. Original ATEK Production, entirely produced in the Quechua language Cusco Collao.Serie de 5 Tetimonios dramatizados en audio, que abarcan 5 problemas sociales muy comunes. Producción Original ATEK, integramente producida en idioma quechua Cusco Collao.

Children's songs

Songs for children in audio entirely produced in the Quechua language Cusco Collao.

Renovac matrimonio-eng

Marriage forgiveness and renewal

In the Quechua people, many families have to distance themselves because of economic need, lack of job opportunities. In most families, the children who are 12 years old leave their communities during school holidays, go to the cities to earn some money for their school supplies, the parents also travel for longer times, the wives stay at home with minor children and caring for their animals.

Very soon the marital problems appear: Adultery and abuse in addition to others. Family leadership is assumed by the mother, which in turn causes other difficulties upon the husband’s return, the children are unaware of the father’s authority and dysfunctional families are born.

Decisions that bear fruit

In the Chinchero community, the ATEK Ministry held a marriage workshop for leaders in order to strengthen and restore families. It was evidenced once again that the word of God is like a seed, when it falls into a heart willing to obey it immediately begins to show fruit, we experienced this with the leaders and families participating in the workshop, they were times of forgiveness, spiritual healing and commitment to live according to the word of God. Healthy and functional families build strong churches and organized and united Quechua communities.
atek ministry

Tiempo de necesidad-eng

It is more blessed to give ...

As a result of the times that we have to live since March, in many places unemployment and hunger increased, very soon the people who migrated to the city returned to their communities, then the families grew in numbers and the need also grew. per food.

An example of this need is the one experienced in the communities of Ccasccas, Pampahuata, Qhehuayllo and Cajapucara, all of them very far from the city of Cusco, all of them with the same

necessities, food for their families; It is dry season so the charcras are not producing.

Many of these families are Christian and they were praying to God for provision, God used the ATEK Ministry to provide for these families, in coordination with some public entities it was possible to bless the inhabitants of these areas.

Baskets containing food for daily consumption (rice, sugar, flour, oil, oats) and some cleaning products were distributed. Many families saw in this fact God’s response to their cry.


We blessed about 310 families in conditions of extreme poverty, Christians and non-Christians.
We strengthened and encouraged Quechua Christian leaders in the area.

Time to Evangelize

"Taking advantage of the presence of the families for the distribution of the baskets, the gospel of Christ was presented and once again we could see the signs of his grace, families reconciled their lives with God and there were even new converts. We thank God for this.

Hambre espiritual-eng

Evangelism and the pandemic

The activities of the ATEK ministry were affected by this time of world pandemic, but as far as possible and in compliance with the provisions of the authorities, a leadership training workshop was held in the Umasbamba Church, a church with many needs, almost abandoned, and at the same time with so much desire to learn the Word of God.

Spiritual need

The pandemic awoke a hunger for the word and those who had once regressed and rejected the gospel of Christ show their desire to draw closer to God; the leaders of the Umasbamba church could not meet the needs of the people.

Need for Food

In the Quechua communities visited, a people was in great need of supplies. Families that focus their income on small businesses and agriculture saw their daily livelihoods dramatically affected.
Many of the families are Christian and they cry out and believe with great faith that God will not abandon them.

The ATEK ministry supported with training the leaders of the Umasbamba, Raqchi, Chinchero and Ucutohuan churches. ATEK focuses its efforts on discipleship, with tools designed in the Quechua language, in the style of Jesus. The Quechua church knows its mission to evangelize and they have planted many churches in different places, but the leaders who have evangelized have gathered many people, but they still show some limitations in doctrinal teaching. Questions such as: What is the new life in Christ? What is the new relationship with God? What should they do or what should they not do when they give their lives to Christ?


Doctrinal doubts

There are still doubts regarding baptism and participation in the Lord’s Supper, these have become only tradition and dogma, this fact damages the faith of many Christians. Seeing this great need we are teaching discipleship based on the Beatitudes on the Mount, where Jesus teaches two main Commandments based on chapters 5, 6, 7 according to the Gospel Matthew. Church leaders and members who are participating in this training are beginning to reformulate their understanding and are also understanding teaching others as Jesus taught.

Our wish

A biblical future well cemented for their faith, leaders are now bringing new people to their churches and are teaching using the same discipleship materials from the ATEK ministry to teach their members and newcomers. Certainly to share the word of God there is no limit. God is blessing and raising Christians with good seed, this is our confidence.
ATEK Ministry

Doblaje Derek Prince-eng

translation and recording


In general, the Quechua churches are always faithful adherents of the great commission, through evangelistic campaigns in public places, personal evangelism or using mass media, the Quechua church has been obedient in this role.

Many people accept Christ’s message of salvation, they evangelize their families and the church, even in these difficult times, has managed to bear witness to Growth and spiritual blessing.

The same happens in the Quechua sphere, evangelism does not stop, but just as an evangelistic process is important, so is a sustained process of discipleship that can guarantee in the future a mature Christian church and resistant to the threats and rudiments of those who they pretend to confuse and preach a different gospel from that of Christ.

In July, the ATEK Ministry began with the recording of the dubbing of discipleship lessons, these lessons are original from the DEREK PRINCE Ministry, we are still in the recording phase but some modules are already being advanced.

Phases of dubbing


At the time, the lessons were translated, most of them have already been reviewed and are in the process of being audio recorded to be broadcast by radio media.


In the Recording Room technical staff, hand in hand with technological tools and with the tenacity of brothers who participate with their voices, the recording is accomplished.


After the in-room recordings and after the post-production, an application for mobile phones will be implemented, and it will also be broadcast by radio media.

In close coordination with ILMAV we have managed to coordinate a recording and editing work, which will result in an application for mobile phones. We are sure that it will be a great blessing for the Christian Quechua people.

Calzado para niños-eng

August, 2020

more feet

In the Quechua communities of Huasac and Cruzpata, this last weekend we had the occasion to bless 300 children.

The day started very early, members of the ATEK Ministry prepared days before all the necessary logistics to be able to comply with what was planned.

We blessed about 24 children in the community of Cruspata with items such as shoes and socks.

Then we visited the Huasac community and there with a similar process we were also able to bless 43 children.

Team work

We were able to bless a total of 65 children, most of them come from homes with limited economic resources, a good part of them come from Christian families and others not, in all cases always thanks to God we were able to bless as many possible of children.

Evangelism Time

Not only adults have a need for God, children must also know Christ, that is why it is not enough to bring a gift that may have a limited duration, but our objective of announcing the salvation gospel of Christ is higher, in fact. that will change their lives forever. This activity was very helpful because many children showed their love and faith in Christ.


Formacion Jovenes-eng

Biblical Youth Formation

Strengthening Youth spiritually, emotionally and socially.

What are we looking for?

  1. Reach out to facilitators and motivate their ministry development with youth.
  2. Young knowledgeable biblical principles.
  3. Young people improve in their Quechua reading and writing, practice biblical truths and strengthen their lives.


To committed facilitators and leaders.


Biblical principles to facilitators and youth.

To practice

Strengthened youth make the word flesh.

why the young?

In the Quechua churches, the importance of teaching the word of God to young people is unknown; it is mistakenly believed that the Bible is for “mature or adult Christians.”

Young people are ignored in time and role, many times the way to reach them is unknown. Churches do not have adolescent and young believers.

Youth for Christ

Hand in hand with the Quechua churches, leaders are trained to teach young people, they teach biblical principles and values, the use of the Bible and also read Quechua script.

We see few leaders committed to the spiritual development of young people.

Escuelas públicas-en

Public schools

Quechua children meet Christ in state schools.


The directors of Quechua public schools authorize the teaching of biblical stories.Los directrores de las escuelas publicas quechuas autorizan la enseñanza de histoprias biblicas.


The directors of Quechua public schools authorize the teaching of biblical stories.


With texts produced entirely in Quechua and that does not contravene the state curriculum.

In what schedule?

The state education curriculum in Peru allocates time for the teaching of the religion course, this has a clear Catholic sense, it is a weekly session of 2 hours, this time is assigned by virtue of an agreement to teach biblical stories.

in public schools?

It responds to the following needs:

  • The children are attending Christian Sunday schools.
  • They see their faith confronted with the teachings that the state imparts.

What do we teach?

Se imparte enseñanzas de historias bíblicas, por ser este un ambito estatal se evita la profundización en temas doctrinales, algunos estudiantes son confesamente catolicos y se evita ser invasivos con su creencia.

Se hace incapie en el aprendizaje de valores tales como la solidaridad, el amor por el projimo, la tolerancia y el respeto a los padres.

Se cuenta con material adecuado y en quechua, en relacion por ejemplo a la prevencion del abuso sexual infantil.

Is it a formal agreement?

It is NOT an agreement between the state and ATEK or the local evangelical church, rather it is a gesture of tolerance on the part of some principals and teachers towards their students, in some communities friendly relationships are the starting point of the agreement. In addition, ATEK as an institution is subject to the directives of the educational center for the continuity or suspension of the teaching of biblical stories.

An opportunity to help

Many times this friendly agreement with the local educational authorities encourages help days not only in faith but also in the provision of some resources.

  • In times of extreme cold, many do not have the resources to adequately shelter their children. ATEK distributes blankets and others to help them in these areas.
  • School shoes are distributed in schools.
  • Students receive school supplies (notebooks, pencils, colors)

Distribution of bibles

Distribution of bibles

It is a command of God

…Y les dijo: Id por todo el mundo y predicad el evangelio a toda criatura…

It is necessary to know how to use it

…Escudriñad las Escrituras; porque a vosotros os parece que en ellas tenéis la vida eterna; y ellas son las que dan testimonio de mí…

It's for everyone

… Y él dijo: Antes bienaventurados los que oyen la palabra de Dios, y la guardan…

Its reading should be motivated

Pero sed hacedores de la palabra, y no tan solamente oidores, engañándoos a vosotros mismos.

How do we distribute?

  1. In coordination with the local Quechua churches.
  2. Directly at our premises.
  3. In evangelism campaigns and workshops.

Quechua bibles

Bringing God closer to their lives, to their context and heart.

Biblical Dictionaries

In Quechua to serve as a tool for consultation and deepening the study of the Bible.

Popular versions

For adults and children, thus motivating their reading as they live from an early age.

Una experiencia...

En coordinacion con la iglesias quechuas locales de  distintas denominaciones se logró distribuir en agosto de este año en comunidades Quechuas (Ccatcca, Huayllabamba, Sicuani y Combapata): Bíblias Quechuas, diccionarios y bíblias en versiones de facil entendimiento.

Agradecemos a Dios por la distribución 1800 bíblias quechuas, 123 diccionarios bíblicos y 480 biblias en version “Bíblia para todos”.

Imágenes que alientan

Porque las cosas que se escribieron antes, para nuestra enseñanza se escribieron, a fin de que por la paciencia y la consolación de las Escrituras, tengamos esperanza.